We all get aches and pains once in a while.

Sometimes they’re fleeting experiences lasting a few minutes to a couple of days, other times they grab hold and linger for much much longer.

Whatever you try and do to ease it either doesn’t not work at all or just give some temporary relief.

That’s where some professional focused massage can often help.

In the most simple terms, it’s an opportunity for your body and brain to get some positive sensory stimulus from knowledgable hands that can help direct your system back to some kind of balance or equilibrium.

Obviously, there can be more serious underlying causes for you feeling pain. For this reason, if your pain continually gets worse and effects your everyday life, I would recommend running it past your GP or another medical professional who can check for any underlying problems and, if needed, refer you for appropriate medical treatment.

Remember, massage therapy is a great aid to help you feel amazing but it isn’t a cure all and as a massage therapist, I’m unable to diagnose any illness or medical condition for that you’ll need a GP, Consultant or Physio.

Saying that, for relief from muscular tension, nerve irritation, structural imbalance and generally feeling out-of-sorts or off-kilter, massage could be the answer you’re looking for.