The Massage Rebel Trevor Chisman

Hi, I’m Trevor

I think getting regular massage is probably one of the best things you can do to maintain and improve your physical and mental health.

Obviously, being a massage therapist, I’m biased.

But here’s the thing, I’ve seen so many people who’s lives have been helped or even transformed over the years through massage therapy, it’s hard not to be a huge fan.

I first qualified as a massage therapist in 1993 and over the years have work with a huge array of clients and given thousands of massages.


My journey into health and wellbeing started in my early teens with a fascination for weight training, bodybuilding and cycling.

I was also mesmerised by all things Asian. I loved everything about the Orient, the art, the history and just the fact everything was so different.

When I was 19, after having worked my arse off as a builders labourer, I’d saved enough money to jump on a plane to Hong Kong, where I working as a barman and gym PT.

Long story short, I hurt my lower back in the gym and was recommended to try Acupuncture, it was amazing and I was an instant fan.

By the time I returned to the UK, I’d decided I wanted to train as an Acupuncturist but it was a 3 year degree and I didn’t have the money.

But on the search for an Acupuncture course, I discovered some massage courses which where quicker and much more affordable.

So I decided on the quicker option and studied as a massage therapist with the intention of working as a massage therapist while putting myself through Acupuncture school.

Problem was, I then fell in love with massage therapy.

I think getting regular massage is one of the best things you can do to maintain and improve your physical and mental health.

Trevor Chisman

Massage Therapy

I fell head over heels in love with massage.

I loved the connection I got from working directly on the skin, the tactile feedback from every massage stroke and technique.

You can literally feel the muscles, fascia and soft tissues change under your hands as the nodules, knots and tension melts away. It’s amazing and I still love massage to this day for that very same reason.

Strangely, I’d never had a massage before I made the decision to study massage therapy, but after 6 months there I was, a fully qualified massage therapist ready to change the world, or so I thought.

Since then, I’ve gone on to study many different styles and modalities of massage. I’ve had the privilege to study with some of the best teachers in the massage industry from around the world.

I’ve studies techniques from complete opposite ends of the spectrum. such as techniques like Chi Nei Tsang, a Chinese abdominal massage to balance Chi (energy) which I studied in 1994, to DermoNeuroModulation which I studied in 2012 and is a science based technique using gentle skin stretch to encourage changes in the nervous system.

working with a human cadaver!

Yep, that’s right – I got to spend a whole week in the dissection lab at St Andrews University with human cadavers and a scalpel.

It is easily one of the most awe inspiring and amazing weeks of my life!

I learnt more in that single week than I have from almost every other course or workshop I’ve ever attended.

Here are some of the other courses and educators I have studied with over the years:

  • Art Riggs (Deep Tissue Massage) 2010
  • Joel Tull (Kinetic Massage) 2010
  • Sol Petersen (Applied Structural Integration) 2011
  • Gil Hedley (Anatomy/Dissection) 2012
  • Diane Jacobs PT (DermoNeuroModulation) 2012
  • David Lauterstein (Deep Massage) 2015, 2016
  • Walt Fritz (Myofascial Release) 2017 and 2019
  • Anatomy Trains 2018
  • Brea Johnson (Heart and Bones Yoga 200hrs) 2019
  • Core Fascial Release (level 1) 2022
  • Aubrey Gower (Myoskeletal Assessment & Alignment) 2023
  • Dynamic Assisted Stretching 2023

Over the years I’ve become more and more interested in how massage works from a Neurological perspective rather than just muscular and mechanical.

It really is our brain and nervous system that create that feeling of magic that we experience when receiving massage and bodywork.

My fascination for all things Oriental is still intact. I still practice Chi Gung every now and then but I see it more as mindful movement rather than energy work.

Traditional Asian massage techniques still creep into my work every now and then, and why not?

They’ve worked for thousands of years, even if the theories and methodologies behind them don’t stand up to modern scientific testing.

Massage is massage when we focus on the hands on work it really doesn’t matter what the theory is that’s behind it.

My Clinic

In 2011, I got the opportunity to take over the clinic space I was working in.

I won’t say I jumped at the chance, because I didn’t.

I certainly never set out to run a clinic and if you’d have asked me at the time what my goals where, it 100% wouldn’t have included running a massage clinic!

But I loved the space I was working from and it was a case of either take it over or have someone else take it over and become my new landlord.

So, with lots of uhhming and arghing I decided being the landlord was probably the better option.

That was in 2011 and I’m still running my clinic, The Glasgow Treatment Rooms.

To be fair, I am extremely lucky to have found a great bunch of therapists to work with me in the clinic and they really do make running the clinic easy peasy.

Art and Design

I’m a huge fan of all sorts of art and graphic design.

You’ll see many of my favourite art works on the walls of my clinic.

I’m also fascinated by and collect vintage anatomy books.

I’m pretty heavily tattooed with black & grey patterns and Oriental scenes.

Oh yeah, I designed and built this website and took many of the photos you see on the website..

A Manual of Artistic Anatomy
Trevor Chisman aka The Massage Rebel. Massage in Glasgow


I’ve appeared on TV (The Hour STV) and Radio (MacAulay & Co, BBC Scotland) to discuss massage.

I’ve been featured in The Guardian talking about tennis ball self massage and The Sydney Morning Herald talking about Nerve Flossing.

I’ve taught massage workshops to therapists on “working deeply without hurting yourself”.

I mentor other massage therapists through my online business courses and design website for massage therapists too

The Massage Rebel Trevor Chisman

So that’s me,

A whistle-stop tour of my journey into massage as a career and business.

Have questions or want to connect – contact me.

Thank you

for being here and supporting my massage business
