If you need to get in touch please use the details listed below.

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please let me know as soon as possible so I can make the appointment available to someone else.

If you want to reschedule, please have a look at my online diary and let me know your preferred new date and time so I can make your requested changes straight away.

Please remember a cancellation fee will apply if you cancel or reschedule with less than 24 hours’ notice before your appointment starts. Please read my cancellation policy for further details on cancellation fees.

Trevor Chisman signature
Contact me, Trevor Chisman Massage Glasgow


The Glasgow Treatment Rooms
Unit 2/3,
The Connal Building
34 West George Street,
Glasgow, G2 1DA.
Scotland, United Kingdom

Glasgow Treatment Rooms
Second Floor
34 West George Street
Glasgow, Scotland.
G2 1DA

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